Sapogenat T 060 is a nonionic surfactant for the chemical industry.
Sapogenat T 060 is composed of tributyphenol ethoxylate with 6 moles ethylene oxide.
Sapogenat T 060 is used for pigment preparations, electroplating processes, polymer dispersions and emulsion polymerization.
Sapogenat T 060 is also applied as an emulsifier for waxes and solvents.
Sapogenat T 060: Emulsifier (nonionic)
Sapogenat T products are the best-performing NPE alternatives: Besides excellent emulsification power, these surfactants are also good wetters, increasing pesticide efficacy in foliar application.
Benefits of Sapogenat T 060:
-The best available NPE replacement
-Excellent emulsifying properties
-Excellent wetting agent
-Application for various pesticide classes
-Broad EO-spectrum available
-Established industry standard
Chemical Name: tri-sec-butylphenolpolyglycol ether with 6 mol EO
Product Function: Nonionic emulsifier
Chemical Type: Tributylphenol ethoxylates
Applications of Sapogenat T 060:
-Crop protection
-Emulsifiable concentrate
-Suspo emulsion
-Emulsion in water
-Oil dispersion
Composition: Tributyphenol ethoxylate with 6 moles ethylene oxide
Product properties of Sapogenat T 060:
Active substance content: about 100 %
Appearance at 20°C: clear, yellowish liquid
Density (DIN 51757) at 50°C: about 0,99 g/cm3
Viscosity (DIN 53015) at 50°C: about 50 mPa*s
Pourpoint (DIN/ISO 3016): about 13°C
pH value (DIN EN 1262), 1% in water: 6 - 8
Flash point (DIN/ISO 2592): about 210 °C
Cloud point (5 g in 25 g solution of 25% diethylene glycol monobutyl ether in water): 53.7 – 55.7 °C
HLB value: about 10
Solubility at 20°C after 24 h:
1% in water: cloudy solution
10% in mineral oil: cloudy solution
10% in xylene: clear solution
BgVV Listing: BgVV Teil A XIV, XXXIV
Sapogenat T 060 is a nonionic surfactant for the chemical industry.
Emulsogen EPN 118, Emulsogen EPN 217, Emulsogen EPN 287, Emulsogen EPN 403, Emulsogen EPN 407, Emulsogen LCN 070, Emulsogen LCN 088, Emulsogen LCN 118, Emulsogen LCN 158, Emulsogen LCN 217
Uses of Sapogenat T 060:
Sapogenat T 060 is used e.g. in the following applications:
-for pigment preparations
-for electroplating processes
-as emulsifier for waxes and solvents
-for polymer dispersions and emulsion polymerization.
Other Products:
Emulsogen® EPN 118: Oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 11 EO
Emulsogen® EPN 217: Oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 12 EO
Emulsogen® EPN 287: Oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 13 EO
Emulsogen® EPN 403: Oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 14 EO
Emulsogen® EPN 407: Oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 15 EO
Branched oxoalcohol et: Oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 16 EO
Emulsogen® LCN 070: Branched oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 7 EO
Emulsogen® LCN 088: Branched oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 8 EO
Emulsogen® LCN 118: Branched oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 11 EO
Emulsogen® LCN 158: Branched oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 15 EO
Emulsogen® LCN 217: Branched oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 21 EO
Emulsogen® LCN 287: Branched oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 28 EO
Emulsogen® L 4050: Branched oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 40 EO
Emulsogen® LCN 407: Branched oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 40 EO
Genapol® X 050: Tridecyl alcohol ethoxylate with 5 EO About 100 % Liquid 59 – 62 (2)
Genapol® X 060: Tridecyl alcohol ethoxylate with 6 EO About 100 % Liquid 64 – 66 (2)
Genapol® X 080: Tridecyl alcohol ethoxylate with 8 EO About 100 % Liquid > 45 (1)
Genapol® X 089: Tridecyl alcohol ethoxylate with 8 EO About 90 % Liquid > 45 (1)
Genapol® X 150: Tridecyl alcohol ethoxylate with 15 EO About 100 % Waxy –
Genapol® X 407: Tridecyl alcohol ethoxylate with 40 EO About 70 % Liquid –
Genapol® X 1003: Tridecyl alcohol ethoxylate with 100 EO
Genapol® X 1005: Tridecyl alcohol ethoxylate with 101 EO
Emulsogen X 4050: Tridecyl alcohol ethoxylate with 40 moles EO
Genapol® 1879: Tridecyl alcohol ethoxylate
Genapol® 3214: Tridecyl alcohol ethoxylate
Genapol® GS 080 Blend of C12 – C20: alkyl ethoxylates with 8 EO
Genapol® OX 080 C /C: oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 8 EO
Genapol® OX 100 C12 /C15: oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 10 EO
Genapol® UD 050 C11: oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 5 EO
Genapol® UD 070 C11: oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 7 EO
Genapol® UD 079 C11: oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 7 EO
Genapol® UD 110 C11: oxoalcohol ethoxylate with 11 EO
Genapol® C 100 C /C : Saturated fatty alcohol About 100 % Pasty 89 – 92 (2)
Genapol® C 200 C12 /C18: Saturated fatty alcohol ethoxylate with 20
Emulsogen LA 3065: C12 /C14 fatty alcohol ethoxylate with 30 EO
Genapol® LA 070 C12 /C14 fatty alcohol ethoxylate with 7 EO
Genapol® LA 080 C12 /C14 fatty alcohol ethoxylate with 8 EO
Genapol® LA 160 C12 /C14 fatty alcohol ethoxylate with 16 EO
Emulsogen® 3896: Cetyl/oleyl alcohol ethoxylate with 20 EO
Genapol® O 020: Cetyl/oleyl alcohol ethoxylate with 2 EO
Genapol® O 080: Cetyl/oleyl alcohol ethoxylate with 8 EO
Genapol® O 100: Cetyl/oleyl alcohol ethoxylate with 10 EO
Genapol® O 200: Cetyl/oleyl alcohol ethoxylate with 20 EO
Genapol® T 200: C16 /C18 Fatty alcohol ethoxylate with 20 EO
Genapol® T 250: C16 /C18 Fatty alcohol ethoxylate with 25 EO
Genapol® T 250 p: C16 /C18 Fatty alcohol ethoxylate with 25 EO
Genapol® T 500: C16 /C18 Fatty alcohol ethoxylate with 50 EO
Genapol® T 500 p: C16 /C18 Fatty alcohol ethoxylate with 50 EO
Genapol® T 800: C16 /C18 Fatty alcohol ethoxylate with 80 EO
Genapol® T 800 p: C16 /C18 Fatty alcohol ethoxylate with 80 EO
Sapogenat® T 040: Tributylphenol ethoxylate with 4 EO About 100 % Liquid 26 – 29 (2)
Sapogenat® T 060: Tributylphenol ethoxylate with 6 EO About 100 % Liquid 53 – 56 (2)
Sapogenat® T 080: Tributylphenol ethoxylate with 8 EO About 100 % Liquid 60 – 68 (2)
Sapogenat® T 110: Tributylphenol ethoxylate with 11 EO About 100 % Liquid 42 – 44 (1)
Sapogenat® T 130: Tributylphenol ethoxylate with 13 EO About 100 % Liquid 62 – 64 (1)
Sapogenat® T 180: Tributylphenol ethoxylate with 18 EO About 100 % Waxy 61 – 64 (3)
Sapogenat® T 300: Tributylphenol ethoxylate with 30 EO About 100 % Waxy –
Sapogenat® T 500: Tributylphenol ethoxylate with 50 EO
Arkopal® N 040: Nonylphenol ethoxylate with 4 EO About 100 % Liquid 36 – 38 (2)
Arkopal® N 060: Nonylphenol ethoxylate with 6 EO About 100 % Liquid 61 – 63 (2)
Arkopal® N 080: Nonylphenol ethoxylate with 8 EO About 100 % Liquid 32 – 34 (1)
Arkopal® N 090: Nonylphenol ethoxylate with 9 EO About 100 % Liquid 52 – 54 (1)
Arkopal® N 100: Nonylphenol ethoxylate with 10 EO About 100 % Liquid 62 – 65 (1)
Arkopal® N 130: Nonylphenol ethoxylate with 13 EO About 100 % Liquid paste 83 – 86 (1)
Arkopal® N 150: Nonylphenol ethoxylate with 15 EO About 100 % Pasty 92 – 95 (1)
Arkopal® N 208: Nonylphenol ethoxylate with 20 EO About 80 % Liquid 70 – 73 (3)
Arkopal® N 238: Nonylphenol ethoxylate with 23 EO About 80 % Liquid 73 – 75 (3)
Arkopal® N 300: Nonylphenol ethoxylate with 30 EO About 100 % Waxy 76 – 78 (3)
Arkopal® N 307: Nonylphenol ethoxylate with 30 EO About 70 % Liquid 76 – 78 (3)
Arkopal® N 308: Nonylphenol ethoxylate with 30 EO About 80 % Waxy 76 – 78 (3)
Arkopal® N 407: Nonylphenol ethoxylate with 40 EO –
Genapol X 050: Nonylphenol + 4 EO
Genapol X 060: Nonylphenol + 6 EO
Genapol X 080: Nonylphenol + 8 EO
Emulsogen LCN 118: Nonylphenol + 9 EO
Emulsogen LCN 118: Nonylphenol + 10 EO
Emulsogen LCN 118: Nonylphenol + 11 EO
Emulsogen LCN 115: Nonylphenol + 13 EO
Emulsogen LCN 217: Nonylphenol + 15 EO
Emulsogen LCN 217: Nonylphenol + 20 EO
Emulsogen LCN 217: Nonylphenol + 23 EO
Emulsogen LCN 287: Nonylphenol + 30 EO
Emulsogen LCN 407: Nonylphenol + 40 EO
Emulsogen® 4084: EO-PO block polymer with 60 % EO About 100 % Waxy 26 – 29 (2)
Genapol® PF 10: EO-PO block polymer with 10 % EO About 100 % Liquid 53 – 56 (2)
Genapol® PF 20: EO-PO block polymer with 20 % EO About 100 % Liquid 42 – 44 (1)
Genapol® PF 40: EO-PO block polymer with 40 % EO About 100 % Liquid 62 – 64 (1)
Genapol® PF 80: EO-PO block polymer with 80 % EO About 100 % Waxy 61 – 64 (3)
Genapol® PF 80 FP: EO-PO block polymer with 80 % EO
Genapol® EP 0244: C10 /C12 fatty alcohol EO-PO About 100 % Liquid 35 – 38
Genapol® EP 2424: C12 /C13 fatty alcohol EO-PO addition product
Genapol® EP 2464: C12 /C14 fatty alcohol EO-PO addition product
Genapol® EP 2544: C12 /C12 oxoalcohol EO-PO addition product
Genapol® EP 2552: C12 /C13 oxoalcohol EO-PO addition product
Genapol® EP 2564: C12 /C14 oxoalcohol EO-PO addition product
Genapol® EP 2584: C12 /C15 oxoalcohol EO-PO addition product
Genapol® BE 2410: C12 /C14 fatty alcohol ethoxylate 10EO
Genapol® BE 2805: C12 /C18 fatty alcohol ethoxylate 5EO
Genapol® BE 2810: C12 /C18 fatty alcohol ethoxylate 10EO
Emulsogen® TS 100: Tristyrylphenol ethoxylate with 10 EO About 100 % Waxy 65 – 69 (2)
Emulsogen® TS 160: Tristyrylphenol ethoxylate with 16 EO About 100 % Liquid 58 – 62 (1)
Emulsogen® TS 200: Tristyrylphenol ethoxylate with 20 EO 55 – 60 (3)
Emulsogen® TS 290: Tristyrylphenol ethoxylate with 29 EO 67 – 69 (3)
Emulsogen® TS 540: Tristyrylphenol ethoxylate with 54 EO 72 – 74 (3)
Emulsogen® TS 600: Tristyrylphenol ethoxylate with 60 EO –
Genapol® BA 040 Benzyl alcohol ethoxylate with 4 EO
Genagen® C 100: C12 /C18 Coconut fatty acid ethoxylate with 10 EO
®Genamin® C 020: C8/C18 Coconut fatty amine ethoxylate with 2 EO
Genamin® C 050: C8/C18 Coconut fatty amine ethoxylate with 5 EO
Genamin® C 100: C8/C18 Coconut fatty amine ethoxylate with 10 EO
Genamin® C 150: C8/C18 Coconut fatty amine ethoxylate with 15 EO
Genamin® C 200: C8/C18 Coconut fatty amine ethoxylate with 20 EO
Genamin® O 020 special: Oleyl amine ethoxylate with 2 EO
Genamin® O 050 Cetyl/oleyl amine ethoxylate with 5 EO
Genamin® O 080 Cetyl/oleyl amine ethoxylate with 8 EO
Genamin® O 200 Cetyl/oleyl amine ethoxylate with 20 EO
Genamin® S 020 Cetyl/stearyl amine ethoxylate with 2 EO
Genamin® S 080 Cetyl/stearyl amine ethoxylate with 8 EO
Genamin® S 100 Cetyl/stearyl amine ethoxylate with 10 EO
Genamin® S 150 Cetyl/stearyl amine ethoxylate with 15 EO
Genamin® S 200 Cetyl/stearyl amine ethoxylate with 20 EO
Genamin® S 250 Cetyl/stearyl amine ethoxylate with 25 EO
Genamin® T 020 Tallow fatty alkyl amine ethoxylate with 2 EO
Genamin® T 100 Tallow fatty alkyl amine ethoxylate with 10 EO
Genamin® T 150 Tallow fatty alkyl amine ethoxylate with 15 EO
Genamin® 3920 Capryl amine ethoxylate with 2 EO
Genamin® CH 020: Cyclo hexyl amine ethoxylate with 10 EO
Emulsogen® EL 200: Castor oil ethoxylate with 20 EO
Emulsogen® EL 360: Castor oil ethoxylate with 36 EO
Emulsogen® EL 400: Castor oil ethoxylate with 40 EO
Emulsogen® EL 540 : Castor oil ethoxylate with 54 EO About 100 % Liquid 49 – 53 mg KOH/g
Hostacerin® DGI Diglycerol diisostearate About 100 % Liquid 160 – 180 mg KOH/g
Hostacerin® DGMS: Diglycerol monostearate About 100 % Pellets 160 – 180 mg KOH/g
Hostacerin® DGSB: Diglycerol distearate ethoxylated with 4 EO
Emulsogen® 4156: Ethoxylates sorbitane monolaurate with 20 EO
Hostapur® OS Liquid: C14 /C16 alpha-olefin sulphonates, sodium salt
Hostapur® OSB: C14 /C16 alpha-olefin sulfonate, sodium salt
Hostapur® SAS 30: C14 /C17 Secondary alkane sulfonate, sodium salt
Hostapur® SAS 60: C14 /C17 Secondary alkane sulfonate, sodium salt
Hostapur® SAS 93: C14 /C17 Secondary alkane sulfonate, sodium salt
Emulsogen APS 100: Allyl polyoxyalkylene sulfate with
Emulsogen® EPA 073: 4 PO and 10 EO, ammonium salt
Emulsogen® EPA 078: Alkyl polyethylene glycol ethersulfate with 7 EO, sodium salt
Emulsogen® EPA 1954: Alkyl polyethylene glycol ethersulfate with 7 EO, sodium salt
Emulsogen® LA 033: C12/C14 alkyl sulfate, sodium salt
Emulsogen® LA 083: C12/C14 alkyl polyethylene glycol ether- sulfate with 3 EO, ammonium salt
Emulsogen LCA 213: C12/C14 alkyl polyethylene glycol ethersulfate with 8 EO, ammonium salt
Emulsogen® PF 20 S: Alcohol polyethylene glycol ether sulfate, ammonium salt with 21 moles EO
Genapol® LRO Liquid: Polyalkylene glycol ethersulfate, ammonium salt
Genapol® LRO Paste: C12/C14 alkyl polyethylene glycol ether ethersulfate with 2 EO, sodium salt
Hostapal® BV Conc.: C12/C14 alkyl polyethylene glycol ethersulfate with 2 EO, sodium salt
Hostapal® BV Liquid: Tributyl phenol polyethylene glycol ethersulfate with 7 EO, sodium salt
Zeliquid® LP 2: Tributyl phenol polyethylene glycol ethersulfate with 7 EO, sodium salt
Emulsogen® SF 8 Diisooctyl sulfosuccinate, sodium salt
Hostaphat® CC 100: Cetyl phosphoric acid ester, acid form, mono/diester
Hostaphat® CK 100: Cetyl phosphoric acid ester, potassium salt, mono/diester
Hostaphat® MDAH: Mono-/di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid ester, acid form
Hostaphat® 145: Oleyl polyoxethyl (5 EO) phosphoric acid mono/diester, acid form
Hostaphat® 1306 Isotridecyl polyoxethyl (6 EO) phos- phoric acid mono/diester, acid form
Hostaphat® KL 340 D: Lauryl polyethoxy (4 EO) phosphoric acid ester, sodium salt, mono/di/triester
Hostaphat® KW 340 D: Stearyl polyethoxy (4 EO) phosphoric acid ester, sodium salt, mono/di/triester
Hostaphat MIT 080: Tridecyl polyethylen glycol ether phos- phoric acid ester (8 EO), acid form, about 80% mono ester
Hostaphat® OPS 30: Octane phosphonic acid dissolved in water
Hostaphat® OPS 75 E: n-Octane phosphonic acid + ethanol/water
Hostaphat® OPS 100: n-Octane phosphonic acid
Emulsogen® CIO 050: Isooctyl polyoxethyl (5EO) acetic acid
Emulsogen® CNO 080: n-Octyl polyoxethyl (8EO) acetic acid
Emulsogen® COA 070: Oxo Alkyl polyoxethyl (7EO) acetic acid
Emulsogen® COL 020: Oleyl polyoxethyl (2EO) acetic acid
Emulsogen® COL 050: Oleyl polyoxethyl (2EO) acetic acid
Emulsogen® COL 080: Oleyl polyoxethyl (2EO) acetic acid
Emulsogen® COL 100: Oleyl polyoxethyl (2EO) acetic acid
Emulsogen® DTC 070: Isotridecyl polyoxethyl (7EO) acetic acid
Arkomon® SO: Oleoyl sarkosin
Medialan® LD: Lauroyl sarcoside, Na salt
Arkopon® T 8015: Oleic acid methyl tauride, sodium salt
Hostapon® CT Paste: Coconut fatty acid methyl tauride, Na salt
Hostapon® SCI-65 G: Coconut fatty acid isethionate, Na salt, blend with 20% stearic acid
Hostapon® SCI-85 G: Coconut fatty acid isethionate, Na salt
Hostapon® TPHC Oleic acid methyl tauride, Na salt
Genagen LAA: Sodium amphoacetate
Hostapon CGN: N-Cocoyl glutamate, sodium salt
Hostapon SG: Sodium cocoyl glycinate